Should you propose to your partner on vacation?


It’s easy to understand why vacation proposals are so popular. Holidays are inherently romantic themselves, but it’s hard to argue with proposing in front of an iconic landmark or on a beautiful island beach. 

However, with every proposal idea, there are some pros and cons. So we here at Valentina engagement rings are here to help. Here are the main points you need to consider when deciding on a vacation proposal. 

Pro: Romance on Tap

Theres something inherently romantic about a vacation. Getting on a plane, staying in a hotel, visiting new places – it all helps to get the spark going. So, this is why proposing on vacation can be such a good idea. You’ll have plenty of picturesque spots to choose from, you’ll just need to do some planning. 

Con: Keeping your secret can be tricky

Booking a trip out of the blue for your partner can be a bit of a red flag that you’re up to something. Not that you’re up to no good, simply that you may be planning something big. So, to pull off a surprise, you need to be smart in your planning. 

There are also other things that can give the game away, such as airport security finding the ring by accident. Again, you need to be sure to stay on your toes to keep the surprise from being spoiled. 

Pro: Beginning of a new tradition

Proposing on vacation can open the door for a new tradition – taking a vacation to celebrate your anniversary! It doesn’t have to be a large vacation, just something to commemorate your engagement and how far your relationship has progressed. 

Con: You won’t have your usual helpers

Proposing on vacation means you may be a tad isolated – you won’t have your friends and family available to help out with whatever proposal plan you may come up with. Instead you’ll have to enlist the help of strangers such as waiters or hotel staff. Furthermore, depending on where you choose to go, you may have a language barrier to contend with. 

Pro: Stunning Photographs

Overseas locations offer stunning photo opportunities to capture the memory of your proposal in an unforgettable fashion. Imagine having your proposal photos on a picturesque beach at sunset or infront of an iconic landmark? All of this is possible on a vacation proposal – you simply need to be organized. 

Con: The cost of Travel

Traveling isn’t cheap. So if you’ve got a tight budget for your proposal, this may mean you won’t be able to book a vacation to propose. There are flights and accommodation costs you need to factor in, as well as any costs associated with the proposal itself. 

Final Thoughts

No matter the style of proposal you choose, be sure to stop by Valentina engagement rings to find the perfect ring!